Name Description
W3 Schools The coding bible
ishimori Carrd for codes
whimsical Carrd for text, scrollbox, image, hover, tap effect codes
pochi Carrd for various text and image animations, scrollboxes, music players
templaterr Simple website layouts HTML/CSS/JS documentation
useragentman CSS 3D matrix, warping images into 3D
kovart CSS dashed border generator
shecodes Visualised CSS transformations
bennettfeely CSS clip-path maker (masking images) Layout builder
wikitable Wikipedia/Fandom layout
rarebit Webcomic layout
loveberry Codes for borders and text
RV's free Javascript/DHTML effects Assortment of different javascript effects for mouse, text, and graphics
css-generators Wide assortment of CSS generators
webgradients Linear CSS background gradients
htmlcheatsheet HTML, CSS, JS, PHP cheatsheets
scripted Assortment of codes for images, music player, cursors, backgrounds, scrollboxes, text, chatboxes, and others
dokode Embedding Winamp tutorial
cubic-bezier CSS cubic-bezier generator
designyourway CSS text effects
cssgridgarden Learn about CSS grids by tending a garden
Custom scrollbar maker Custom CSS scrollbar maker
css triangle generator Custom CSS triangle generator
Interneting is hard Learn the basics of web development
7 Deadly Neocities Sins General web design and UI tips
floras Text codes, image codes, scrollboxes, cursors, scrollbars, backgrounds, menus, music players, and others
hauntedmansions Carrd with so many codes
codes Carrd of an assortment of CSS snippets and codes
dracslaura's pastebin More codes...
animista CSS animations

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Name Description Graphics, Ascii Art, Blinkies, Stamps, Navigation, Dividers, Backgrounds, Wallpapers
99gifshop Catalogue of old-school style gifs
blinkiecollecti0n Huge collection of blinkies
emocowboy Blinkies, Antipixels, Buttons, Userbars, Banner ads, Templates
decocore Rentry for tiny graphics, large graphics, dividers, stamps, symbols, and other misc items
autism Carrd for small graphics, large graphics, dividers, stamps, and blinkies
ishimori Carrd for backgrounds
barok Carrd for small pixels, large pixels, dividers, and other pngs
rsrcs Rentry for pixels, dividers, PNGs, frames, overlays, blinkies & stamps‧
tomomi Collection of pixels, dolls, dividers and blinkies
whimsical Carrd for pixels and dividers
yokai Carrd for pixels, dividers, and other gifs
cursors-4u Custom cursors
pixeIperfect Rentry for pixels by colour, stamps, blinkies, buttons and symbols
pixels Carrd for various small pixels
terror Rentry for a large assortment of pixels, graphics, backgrounds, dividers, stamps, blinkies and buttons
wilardo Carrd for a lot of GIFs, PNGs, dividers, pixels, blinkies and stamps
engrampixel Blog for lots of pixels, including Pokemon, Sanrio, lambs and alpacas
charm_ Rentry for pixels by colour
dreamroom Graphics for creating a cute pixel room
foollovers Assortment of cute pastel graphics
gifcities Big archive of old gifs
glitter-graphics GIFs, backgrounds, clipart, blinkies
88x31 88x31 GIF Collection
mikopixels Various aesthetic pixels, symbols, GIFs, dividers, PNGs and buttons
jasminnie HUGE catalogue of backgrounds, wallpapers, clocks, cursors, dividers, icons, scenes and graphics
flightrising Identity buttons masterlist
shinybuttons Shiny buttons :) Userbars...
hekate2 Old school backgrounds by colour
tenshiikisu Huge collection of cute backgrounds
pixel-harmony Bulk collection of pixels
favicon-masterpost Another bulk collection of pixels
kawaiiscans Scans of notepads
sozai Collection of aesthetic PNGs
fancyparts Cute background patterns
sozaioukoku Cute background patterns and icons
irasutoya Collection of irasutoya's artworks, commonly redrawn on Twitter
funmiya Rentry for pixels and dividers
yumenosakiacademy Userboxes
wilteddividers Lots of pretty dividers

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Name Description Pixel & other cute fonts
dafont The grand oasis of fonts
dracslaura's pastebin A collection of some fonts

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Name Description
system.css 90's Mac OS library
7.css Windows 7 library
XP.css Windows XP library
98.css Windows 98 library

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Name Description
gifypet Website pet
tamanotchi Another website pet Cat that follows your mouse
pollcode Create polls
dantendo dsi Nintendo DS snippet
WebAmp Custom WinAmp
hover.css CSS hover animation snippets

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Name Description
radicalblur Sonic-themed site
humanfinny Fruitger metro-themed site

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Name Description
grime Rentry for lots of links
terrorlinks Rentry for more links!
roses-resources Rentry for more...links...

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Name Description
makewordart Microsoft Word Art generator
skinmc Minecraft achievement generator
cooltext Text graphics generator (used this way back in my Scratch days in 5th grade)
makesweet 3D graphics generator, e.g. heart locket, flag
3dgifmaker Create 3D gifs from images
websetsbylynn Button generator
websetsbylynn Glitter text generator Blinkie generator
p5generator Persona 5 dialogue generator
perchance Random text generator
petpet Let your images get pet
undertale text box generator Create custom static/animated Undertale textboxes
Dither Me This Dither your photos
Dither It Another photo-dithering website
online image editor Honestly idk what it does /s

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Name Description
Settei Dreams The holy grail of anime storyboards, concept art, and model sheets
Magma Multiplayer art, essentially

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Name Description
ezgif GIF resizer, trimmer, cropper, generator from video Create guestbooks
meyerweb Colour blender
cnvmp3 Youtube to mp3/mp4 My favourite file hosting website
filegarden Another good file hosting website, I use it for larger files / GIFs ( has a 20 MB size limit for GIFs)
bulkimagecrop ...bulk crop images
upng Shrink images
skins.webamp A catalogue of webamp skins
spriters-resource Spritesheets from many games on different consoles/platforms
models-resource Models from many games on different consoles/platforms
textures-resource Textures from many games on different consoles/platforms
sounds-resource Sound effects from many games on different consoles/platforms Big catalogue of Royalty-free music
online video cutter Video cropper

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Name Description
persona 4 gb Play the beginning of Persona 4 on the Gameboy Create Ace Attorney courtroom scenes
shimeji Get little guys for your computer
windows93 Just have fun with it...
hushbugger The entire Deltarune Chapter 1 transcript
Undertale Alarm Clock Extra canon content for Undertale characters. The Toriel + Flowey ones hit hard. Watch all episodes of MLP, all the way from G1 to G5
sonicretro All things Sonic the Hedgehog
donjon Create random dungeons for your DND campaigns
fromfiction Explanations of kinning, face claims, comfort characters, introjects, etc.
listmaker Kin list creator
lifeprint Videos on learning ASL
procgen-mansion 3D mansion generator
Home Sheep Home Play the cutest Shaun The Sheep game ever
annas-archive Search engine for Z-Lib, DuXiu, etc.
LCD, please Papers, Please remake from the same developer

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